Google Products You Should Know

Vũ Thế Khoa 5:15 PM
Maybe some of us only know Google as a search engine disebuah Internet network. And Google is currently the world's largest search engine after bing and yahoo which is the entrance to search information in a website. For development now Google has had a variety of services on a global scale, ranging from media advertising, education, shopping, directories, translator to the road map and so forth.

On this occasion I will give you a list of products Google services you should know:

1.Google Submit Url - Services for registering a site manually to Google to be indexed in the search engine Google

2.Google Webmaster Info - webmaster tools, tools for the optimization of our web page listing on

3.Google Weather

4.Google Investor Relations - The web page on investor relations

5.Google-Friends Newsletter Archive

6.Google Microsoft Search - The search engine Google on about Microsoft

7.Google Base - Services berfunsi to upload product feeds to Google Merchant Center, so that the
product indexed in the search engine Google products and bring traffic visitors

8.Small Google Search - Google search with the small display

9.Google Local Business Center - service to register your business on Google

10.Google Search by Number

11.Google Page Creator - Applications web page maker, this future will be replaced by Google Sites which have a more complete feature

12.Google Froogle Mobile UK - specifically Google mobile search product search

13.Google Moms 2 - a web page that is dedicated to mothers

14.Google Cached Links - displays cache web pages

15.BSD Google Search - Google search engine specifically for BSD topics

16.Site-Flavored Google Search Box - creating own custom search engine by search engine Google search

17.Google Books Partner - promote your books on Google for free

18.Google Translator - language translator application

19.Google Linux Search - The search engine Google specifically for Linux topics

20.Google Gulp - a fictional beverage which is claimed to improve the performance of Google, this is just a form of parody Google

21.Google Desktop Enterprise Edition - Google Apps for desktops

22.Google Calendar - to access the calendar application to schedule a personal

23.Google Finance - Service portal of information and the Google search engine specifically for business and finance

24.Google Glossary - look up the definition of a word eg with the keyword "define the blog"

25.Google Blog Search - specifically Google blog search engine

26.Google Reset - reset settings in Google

27.Google Romance - romantic dating sites and information

28.Google Tool Bar for IE - instant services toolbar for IE function to translate, Contribute Google
Sidewiki and search faster with suggestion.

29.Google Research Publications - list of publications by people belonging to Google

30.Google Reader - application to bookmark RSS feed website

31.Google File Types - file search

32.Google Scholar - Google Site that provides the scientific literature in the form of articles, theses, books, etc.

33.Google Search for Hackers - google search with display of hackers

34.Google Pesonalized Homepage - customize the look of Google search engine with a variety of themes and widgets

35.Google Search Cheat Sheet - Services as hints and tricks of writing on the Google search engine, from how to use operators, calculator, and how typing

36.Google Video - Google video portal

37.Google Mac / Apple Search - software for mac installation that is useful to access the various applications and services Google

38.Google Site Search

39.Google SMS UK - using the Google search engine via mobile

40.Google Goopy - a collection of python code programming

41.Google US Government Search - Google search engine devoted to the topic of the search pemeritah USA

42.Google Local - Services to see the roadmap via satellite, with a search feature street, city or county.

43. Google Adwords - Services for google to advertise through pay per click system (corresponding advertising budget, to pay for the ad each time the ad is clicked)

44.Google Holiday Logos - List various Google logo to fit various events

45.Google Music Search - search for information about music seputaran

46.Google Groups - Services to create web pages and customize group, upload files, and various with fellow members.

47.Google Mobile - Google integration with mobile phone

48.Google Transit - help plan trips using public transportation

49.Google Froogle Mobile US - Google mobile search specific product search

50.Google Media Room - Google media center

51.Google Ads - Programs such as adwords for advertisers and AdSense for publishers

52.Google Search Appliance - applications using the search engine Google for business intranet and website.

53.Google Registry Files 1/2 - registry files

54.Google 3 Billion Milestone - looking 3 billion documents with Google

55.Google Satellite Pictures - Google Satellite Picture function of this is similar to Google Earth are viewing the earth in 3D and roam the earth geographic content.

56.Contact Google - Party Services to contact Google

57.Google Moms - a web page that is dedicated to mothers

58.Google Kongulo - Google Desktop Search application serves as a web spider to crawl the website.

59.Google Picasa - Google's photo editing software

60.Google Code - search for programming code and development

61.Google Sitemaps - a service for webmasters to put the data on a web sitemap google index

62.Google Who Links To You?

63.Google Frugal Seller Services - info product search service

64.Google Web Search - standard display Google search engine

65.Google Milestones

66.Google Sitemap - Google Sitemap

67.Google I'm Feeling Lucky - directed straight at the first web page of search query results

68.Google SMS US - using the Google search engine with SMS

69.Google Blogger - anyone can register and create a personal blog, ideas, images, stories and so on.

70.Google Web History - view a list of what ever we are looking for with the search engine Google

71.Google Mini - Google search engine application for a business website or intranet

72.Google Orkut - a social networking and web community

73.Google Elements Stats - element and attribute web

74.Google Search - Google search engine site

75.Google Pack - download the Google software package

76.Google Mars - Mars surface photo

77.Google Definitions - find definitions of words

78.Google Stock Quotes

79.Google Travel Info

80.Google Gmail - Google's email service

81.Google Book Search - The search engine Google are specifically looking for everything about the book and the review

82.Google Desktop - Google services that can be used directly in Offline on the desktop without having to use a web browser

83.Google Permissions - information about permission to use Google brand

84.Google Translate (Simple) - translation by google

85.Google University Search - search the data university

86.Google Newsletter

87.Google Video Top 100

88.Google Advanced Search - Google search function with additional options through a more complete.

89.Google Dashboard Widgets for Mac - Google mini applications that can be installed on a Mac

90.Google Security Issues - information about the safety of the products Google

91.Google's Explorer Canvas - a web application for IE to support 2D command-based drawing

92.Google Jobs - looking for jobs with the Google search engine

93.Google Loading - loading Google

94.Google Adsense - A Google program that allow site owners to put ads on Google adwords.

95.Google Fan Logos - artificial Google logo on fans

96.Google Sketchup - applications to create 3D models

97.Google Store - Shop online Google

98.Google Spell Checker

99.Google for IE Research - Google search with the small display

100.Google Blog - Google Official Blog that contains the latest news and updates about Google

101.Google Tool Bar for Firefox - A toolbar as a shortcut to access various Google applications through Firefox toolbar.

102.Google News - Index of news began to politics, sports, business, technology and so on are taken from the major news portals world such as New York Times, CNN, AFP, Reuters, etc ..

103.Google Analytics - web traffic data service and marketing analysis

104.Google Movies - searching for movie showtimes

105.Google Alert - Update service via email in accordance with the theme that we choose based on the google search results.

106.Google LibJingle - instang messaging with open protocol

107.Google Sets - create sets of items from several of our example

108.Google Currency Converter - check the currency conversion rate

109.Google Talk - Google chat application, for instant messaging, or using voice (voice chat)

110.Google Calculator - perform calculations with an online calculator Google

111.Google Press Center - Notices and news updates about Google

112.Google Executives - a list of the executives Google

113.Google Earth - Services google to see the view of the earth in 3D and roam the earth geographic content.

114.Google Froogle - Google product search engine or goods to be purchased

115.Google Image - Service of Google as a search engine image

116.Google Blogger for Word - make personal blog

So little information about the Google services that evolve around this time, may be useful.

Chàng trai luôn ở phía sau nơi chứa những bí mật giúp bạn xây dựng Income từ Internet, phát triển bản thân và có một cuộc đời hạnh phúc.

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