5 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade to Windows 10 Computers

Who here has been using the latest operating system from Microsoft that Windows 10? For those of you who have not tried to reason with its hesitant, then this article is suitable for you refer to. We will try to explain what the hell wrote new features available in Windows 10 so it is worth to you have on each computer.

However, we also of course be objective. If there is a feature that has not been proven "fun", shall we mention in it.


Windows finally pinning feature digital assistant theirs called Cortana. The personal assistant can you count on to do whatever you need through Windows flavors, ranging from the search for a web page, open the application, search for files on Disk, asking weather forecasts, and many more benefits that you can get through Cortana.

BUT, unfortunately Cortana not support languages ​​other than English. So for you who do not magnate so his English, is guaranteed precisely the hassles of using Cortana.

Virtual Desktop and Split View

Activity multitasking will now increasingly asoy when using Windows 10. If in Windows 7, you can use the feature split view can be helpful when having to open two pages simultaneously on the desktop simply by creating drag the page to the left or to the right, now in Windows 10, you can even split 4 pages at once by downloading dragnya to every corner on the monitor. Fun right.

Well there are other cool features ya, named Task View and Virtual Desktop are able to provide new clean desktop, so you can organize open applications easily and freely. Virtual desktop will provide desktop as if detached from the main desktop so you do not have to fight each other when closing applications must share the same computer.

DirectX 12

Those who would like to play games on the computer, would have been familiar with DirectX. Through this Windows 10, you will find the new version is DirectX 12 which provide a variety of new features compared to the previous version. Microsoft even provide a statement that the combination of Windows 10 with DirectX 12 will improve performance significantly, especially for users of AMD graphics cards.

Unfortunately, there is currently no games created specifically to support the new features of DirectX 12, maybe it still took longer anyway. Other features that are served by Windows 10 for the lovers of the game is that it can stream from the Xbox One to the PC, the built-in DVR for recording gameplay, and games store is already integrated.

Microsoft Edge

Goodbye Internet Explorer, and welcome to Microsoft Edge. The new Web browser from Microsoft is indeed managed to invite the attention of the enthusiastic looks clean and modern.

Microsoft eventually gave rise to an interesting breakthrough in the field of browser yes. But did you know that in Windows 10, there are still around Internet Explorer browser? Wow father Microsoft Edge is still available in Windows 10, you know. Seriously, do not lie.

Windows Hello

Windows Hello is the latest and advanced features of Windows 10. This feature will give you extra security for Windows Hello can give your computer authentication that can only be opened using facial recognition, fingerprints, or iris.

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